Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Eat The Rich

I am giving away all my possessions, selling my car, and hitting the road again folks.... I am using my tax return, some savings, and a whole lot of luck.. It's going to be a working holiday till I start school in the fall...

Guess who still isn't ready to grow up...

Yes I know, I'm a tree hugging liberal hippie, and I am going on a trip with someone who is an even bigger tree hugging hippie than me, can you say organic food and boycotting Walmart?????

Everything I watch Bowling for Columbine or read one of Michael Moore's books I get angrier and angrier.... Damn Americans politicians...

My younger cousin is getting married in less than one month, *shudders* better her than me. :P

What's YOUR favorite Kool-aid flavor?


Blogger Megs said...

Ooh, Jamie. If there's anything the last three months have taught me, it's that being married isn't the worst thing to happen to someone (although it's really no different than just living with someone you're committed to...except now I can get away with nagging and he can get away with calling me a nag). Speaking of which, Jordo lost his ring. He was so upset, I took him to East Side Marios to make him feel better (we're so different, but SO the same!).

Good luck to your cousin!! I hope her guy is just as amazing as mine. If she's related to you, she deserves only the best. =)

I miss you and love you very much.

9:51 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where you going this time? Maybe Saskatchewan, maybe even Moose Jaw.Email me sometime, miss hearing from ya.
Kool-Aid is yucky!

4:41 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cherry is the Bomb!

1:39 p.m.  

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