Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Thursday, July 07, 2005

gargamel and azriel

I want to taste the salt on my face, the smell of the ocean slipping into my nose, the feel of the water on my skin, the warmth of the sand between my toes... The calmness that envelopes me when I gaze out at the skyline, sorting through my jumbled thoughts...

We would walk all over town late at night, on most days we watched the sun come up, with smiles on our faces that no one could wipe off.. We giggled about boys, the ones we mutually liked and the ones who had stolen our interest... neither of us with the desire to commit... we had crushes, we had heartache, we had fun.......

We would dance the night away, laughing and talking about everything... there was no secrets between us, even the ones you wanted no one to ever know you would tell me... we shed tears in your bathroom, we dyed hair and made pasta salad in your kitchen.... we watched movies, and entertained int eh living room... we would jump int eh car heading off on crazy adventures, or just trying to escape the call centre grind.....

You are gone know... the girl I knew, replaced by someone much thinner, much wiser, much older... much more cynical and weak....

I wonder if I will ever have you back, now you have made your choice, and I respect that, but I don't... I pretend I understand it... but i don't.... my path has changed.,.. I grabbed hold of my reins pulled myself back in and have chosen to become an "adult" thanks to some harsh yet very wise words from some rather strange friends of mine..

you talked in you riddles of me..and i was flattered and foolish, thinking I could ride out here and save the day, show you that you were living wicked ways... I saw what you were doing and I ran away, promising to come back, thinking I could reload... I came to realize that I can[t force you to change your ways, to leave your life, to lead your life......

i gazed into the abyss and i realized it swallowed my friend....

I will keep one hand by the edge my friend... to pull you out, when you are ready to grab it... if you never return from the abyss, I will stand at your grave and I will weep... for a girl with so much potential, so much talent, you have all the tools to be the most amazing writer... you have the intelligence to be the most amazing teacher, you have the personality to be the most famous star, you have the strength to find your own personal happiness.... and you will....

all I can do now is promise to still be here....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is so sad.

i was reading this while searching for "gargamel and azriel", and it brought me to tears.


9:16 p.m.  

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