Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I was rudely awaken by my alarm clock at 10 am.. I hit snooze.. but then the phone start to ring, I hopped out of bed thinking no one else was home to answer it. Proceeded to throw on my scrubs I opened my bedroom door just as my dad picked up the phone... He was home.. I didn't have to get out of bed so damn early..

I was awake I was upright, may as well go to the bathroom and brush my teeth wash my face.. blech I started getting ready for work.. When I finished my morning routine, I popped online and started writing a letter to Jerome. The phone rings again and it's Laura telling me they are on their way to pick me up... I forgot to put on socks, I quickly close my screen only to realize I clicked on the wrong screen and close the letter,m therefore erasing everything I had just wrote... so irritating. Then I pull on my socks, grab my kicks and I am out the door off to work..

Laura and MJ were late arriving so I was late getting to work, Except as I am walking through the door Dawn and Jenn both give me strange looks, and I am wondering why Jenn is working since she isn't scheduled till tonight... EXCEPT I am a moron and I am the one not scheduled till tonight.. I call home and get my dad and Fred (my dad's friend) to come pick me up. I end up back home, where I spend the afternoon doing absolutely nothing except some laundry and cooking some food. I made some very tasty shrimpies... Yummy for the shrimpies. Lemon garlic... yum yum.

It was a rather dreary day. I work till close tonight.. I hope it's busy, but not TOO busy... Just enough that I make a shitload of money... That would be awesome. Only because I ma getting closer and closer to getting my bills all paid off and I really want to have my bills all paid off.

My parents have just returned home, supper is being prepared and I should be getting ready for work. I have to pick my courses for school. Any suggestions?


Blogger Marcus said...

Hmmm tech support???? You need to come back to Stream we miss you here we need more Normal poeple here !!!!!

9:25 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm tech support???? You need to come back to Stream we miss you here we need more Normal poeple here !!!!!

9:29 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

You said SWELL!


5:13 a.m.  

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