Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Thank You

"Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone"

I was going to tell you about my day, how much I have been working, strange things that have happened... Weird thoughts that have passed through my head...

Until I read this, and my post has changed and I wanted to tell you about Heather.

I have never met Heather in person, though perhaps some day I will have that opportunity, but I did get a little glimpse into her life, as told through her blog. As some of you may already know I have an addiction to blogs, I love to read them, especially love Broad at Bat.

Broad (aka Heather) would write stuff that made me sit up and go YEA! or Damn Straight! Sometimes I would cry or giggle, sometimes I would feel compelled to write her an email (which I refrained from doing so except on rare occasions).

She has faced some trials and hardships and managed to stay pretty optimistic through them, she has a great perspective, and a superb sense of humor. Sometimes her posts just changed my whole outlook on my day. She has faced similar circumstances in her life as I had in mine, and I felt like I could identify with her.

She inspired me, and she has been a sort of "mentor" it always brighten my day when she would drop a quick note of encouragement, or just a quick hello in my comments or email.

It is with downcast eyes and somber face I tell you that she has decided to end her blog..... I am heartbroken and will miss her updates.

If you were also a fan you will understand my dismal state... If not you missed some fan-fucking-tastic writing my friends, by a fabulous lady, whose rants, raves and rational I will miss entirely too much.

Heather, if you happen to read this silly little site anymore... I just wanted to say Thanks.


Blogger a broad said...

Oh, Jamie... thank YOU! You can't know how much this touched my heart. Damn it, girl, ya made me cry.

Next time through, email me. I'd be honoured to buy you a drink.


12:22 p.m.  

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