Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Catch up

I have a conundrum.....

I guess life is complicated and that's what makes it interesting.

I am trying to figure out how to post pictures on my blog.

I have the most amazing news, but I have to share it at some other point in time.

On another note I think I have four jobs now, all mainly bartending which I love doing so that's awesome.

I want to quickly fill you in on my previous fantastic weekend:

We went out last Friday night I was DD, I had bunches of fun, we did some dancing, my brother Dan dances EXACTLY like my brother Sean, bob and weave... It's cool, get them drunk enough to dance and they don't care, scary part I dance probably just as bad, except I do it SOBER!

Being out at a club was great. I love that the population here is 80% male, working males, working males who do labour related jobs... mmmmm MEN!

Mom, Dad, Laura and I departed between 8:30 and 9 am for Beautiful British Columbia, we hit Dawson Creek around 10ish and got our pictures taken at the start of the Alaskan Highway. Then we headed off towards Prince George, along the way we stopped to take some pictures of a bear and her 2 cubs beside the highway. We were right in the middle of the mountains I was captivated by how incredibly gorgeous it all is, the sun was shining the leaves are on all the trees it's nature in all it's glory...

Then we stopped to use the washroom (not too terrible for outhouses). Somewhere along the way I dozed off (I had been up till 3:30 in the morning!). The car suddenly stops and I wake up turn my head and see this stunning tall waterfall gushing over the mountain, it was called Bijoux Falls (Jewel Falls).

I walked up to the fence at the edge with all the warning signs about not climbing on the rocks because water makes rocks slippery (in case you are a dumbass and didn't realize this) felt the cool mist on my face and listened to the roar of the water pouring down the hill and over the rocks ....

I am off to watch Kinsey... Remind me to tell you about the other animals.


Blogger Tiffydoodle said...

Good to see your enjoying BC,it def is a beautiful province. I lived just north of Dawson Creek in Fort St John.the amount of animals u see heading to P.George is amazing...Enjoy !!!

7:42 p.m.  

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