Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Bif Naked

That's right folks!

Thursday night, I held hands, for a brief moment, with none other than Bif Naked. I sang at the top of my lungs to almost every song, I was front row centre, and I had such a fantastic time.

She is very petite, that was the thing that surprised me the most was how small she actually is, but holy shit is she EVER in shape. She was crouched down in a ball and still not even a centimetre of skin to grab on her stomach, she is one of the FITTEST people I have ever seen.
Her body is absolutely incredible!

She put on a great show and will be touring across Canada in July to promote her new album, and I am hoping to catch her again.

I got myself a J-O-B after turning down five I found one that was acceptable, I have gotten calls for a few more and we'll see if I take on a few more. Though the best one may be in another city in British Columbia, which would be terrific.

Did I ever mention I am the luckiest girl on the planet? I was having some problems with something financially, and now it's all been taken care of, and I got to kinda help someone else out in the process. SO WICKED!

***I am still trying to chase you out of my thoughts. I have decided you are a hedgehog, with your sharp, abrasive exterior and soft, playful belly... That's right, a hedgehog. I seen one when I was in Calgary his name was Mortimer, you could have been a Mortimer.***

I had the most amazing weekend and want to tell you all about it, but it will have to wait because I am exhausted, and am heading to bed.

Bon Soir


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