Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, April 11, 2005

Boogie Woogie

In a twisted jumbled pile I lie... Thinking of all the things I should be doing, people I should call... The energy and enthusiasm has gone... Replaced by the desire to sleep, and sleep and sleep...

I need to throw on some tunes, and clean the bathroom, finish up the dishes and throw some laundry in the washer.

I am still trying to book tickets to Calgary for less than 300$.. That may mean waiting to fly out till the 17th of May..

My cousins wedding went well.

I seen a guy riding a bicycle Saturday night with his thumb stuck out hitch-hiking who hitchhikes on a bicycle? Crazy French people.

The opportunity for me to be an evil and immature bitch presented itself a few times in the last week, I didn't succumb.

I want to get drunk and get into a fight, where is Davinna when I need her? (OK so I am fairly passive and probably won't get into an actual fight but it was fun getting drunk with Davinna and talking about all the people we were going to beat up... We could if we so desired... We totally kick ass!)

I found more scholarships... Obscure ones... If anyone is needing them I can give you the sites... if anyone has any knowledge of scholarships I can apply for please send me the information, it will be greatly appreciated.

I finished the Bell Jar, was slightly depressed afterwards, I am reading Hey Nostradamus (about a fictional school shooting in a British Columbia city), next I am reading Night (holocaust).

I almost beat Eddy in chess twice last night... I was one move from checkmate and he put me in checkmate... The practice is great though.

Man my blog is boring? Why are you reading it?


Blogger Unknown said...

Booked my place ticket today. We DEF have to get together while I am out west.

6:06 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in nb, what's the year and make of your car?

6:00 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

2003 Alero GX Coupe

1:01 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

If I wanted to include the immature bitch oppurtunities I would have, but then that would have made me an immature bitch :P

Some things are better left unsaid!

1:07 p.m.  

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