Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, April 01, 2005

Mellow-Dramatic Mishmash

What is wrong with me.. I got more good news today about university.. Yet I am sitting here all morose... whining like an imbecile.... I know I am being an idiot... Yet I can't seem to shake it... I think I keep waiting for the other ball to drop for the curtain to be drawn back and everyone to say "April Fools" your entire life is a sham... You really are the gross stupid fat depressed pig you always thought you were....

Then of course I kick myself in the ass and realize.....

I should quit fucking bitching like a goddamn woman (no offence to women)....

My back hurts....

In one month and one day I will be seeing Motorhead.... In one month and 3 days I will be on an airplane again... In 5 months plus a few days I will be attending university... In 6 months plus 4 days I will be turning 24....

An entrance scholarship for a thousand dollars in the first year, 750$ every year after that... Not too shabby... I get to file for more scholarships and student loans... Maybe I can do this.... Wait I am going to do this... I am going to kick some ass while doing it!!!!!!!!!!


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