Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


So excited... Going to visit my grammy.. Perhaps have a nice Easter dinner, some chocolate, Ma you should send me the recipe for your hot crossed buns or better yet come visit because I miss you guys *sniff*

Kenzie came down for a visit this weekend, and it was so great having a familiar face around, chilling out with an old friend... Brightens ones day.

My cousin wedding is coming up, I am making double time and a half on Friday... Figuring out trip to Alberta... Re-Learning how to play chess, and getting my ass kicked by Babyface at work.

5 am messenger arguments can go from one end of the spectrum to the other in less than 30 seconds... and I still Hate you.

My car is now for sale... The person who I thought was buying it can't... So yea now I actually have to look for someone to buy it..

"Last one Left in This God Forsaken Town

Tarnished All Your Memories
Your Smile's A Front At Best"

I need a things to do list.... procrastination is the key!

I need organizational skills
I am going to University
I am going to Motorhead
I am melodramtic these days.

I am going to be out west in places big enough to have wicked SHOWS.... I am going to get to visit Tanya, Darren, Ma, Pa,Daniel, etc.
I get to meet new people.

No responsibilities, going to live off the money we make.... Carefree and wild my friends... Then come fall I get to buckle down and study like a fiend... So PSYCHED!

How does one go about getting a student loan?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how much for the alero?

1:32 p.m.  

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