Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, April 08, 2005

Sickness and Sympathy

I have been on a strict regime of Dayquil and Nyquil since Monday... I
hate feeling like this... I have added a decongestant spray to the
mix... I don't' feel like myself... I hate how drugs affect my
brain... I feel slow and lazy... I want to just crawl in bed and
sleep... I am whiny and irritable... I want attention nd affection...
I am moody and woozy..... BLECH!

My mom's Birthday was yesterday... i love my mommy so much and I miss
her and my daddy.... i was really excited about them coming down for
my cousins wedding on Saturday... Now they aren't coming... It makes
me even more depressed... i am really looking forward to seeing them
this summer... My parents are the coolest people... They are very
accepting and forgiving... No matter how many times i have done
something completely stupid and screwed up shit or embarrassed them...
They still love me and just roll their eyes...

I will try and post something a little bit less retarded this weekend...

Sorry for the crappy post, spell check not workign and blogger hates me.

My roommate is such an asshole...

I wrote this yesterday afternoon... and I can finally publish it now.


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