Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, April 11, 2005

I need to update..

Sickness almost gone...

I have to work tonight..

Motorhead and Alberta quickly approaching...excitement building.

Still haven't sold car

Thinking I want about 20,000$ for it... Hoping to get 18,000... not
overly worried as long as I get rid of it. Searching net for more
scholarships... If anyone knows of any obscure scholarships I may
qualify for let me know... There is quite a few that I wont' be able
to apply for cause I am no longer in high school... which sucks and I
have no idea what my average was when I graduated....

This isn't really an update it was just me blathering...

When I get nervous in groups I put on my angry "don't' fucking fuck
with me face" and then wonder why people don't' run over and try and
make friends lol.

I am making chicken fingers.... mmm... chicken fingers....

Did I ever tell you how great my family is... This summer is going to
fucking ROCK!

(I wrote this 3 days ago... blogger sucks and I hate it right now)


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