Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Saturday, April 16, 2005


I had the zaniest night...

I ended up counseling my friend on his boyfriend troubles, seeing a co worker drunk out of his mind, driving someone's father out to the bar, and rocking out with him later to Iron Giant. I lost my cool over something stupid (damn time of the month), and my internet at home is down so I couldn't' even go home and vent.

I can't even tell you about eh really weird parts of my evening...

I am listening to a symphony perform Metallica covers very intense.

My friend Dave passed his tests to be in the air force... I am quite excited for him *Congratulations* (too bad his brother is a no good loser still working at Stream *giggles)

Did I tell you I'm Alberta bound! Tickets have been purchased I fly out of Halifax Tuesday May 3rd 4 pm.

I picked up a cute hitchhiker from Montreal this afternoon on my way to Sackville. He asked if I had a boyfriend, he said I was sexy (I think he was blind or delusional) and asked me to come stay with him in Halifax...

GO SEE SIN CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IRON GIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seen two other bands last night and was very impressed by both, The Mark Inside and C'Mon, though Iron Giant was mind blowingly awesome. Something about the lead singers voice and stage presence just pulls you in caresses you and then kicks you in the face. Definitely sexy!

Psyched for Motorhead, Ace of Spades is on repeat in my brain. :P

*His touch felt familiar, sliding along her back, his hand on her shoulder, she lifts her eyes and meets his gaze.. She could really fall for him... Another time, another place... Another girl.. Another heartbreak.*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed. Sin City was AMAZING!


12:02 a.m.  
Blogger Megs said...

Boo, Jamie! The only good thing about Sin City was Jessica Alba (I would LOVE to look like her!).

9:34 a.m.  

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