Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, May 16, 2005


Last Sunday after chatting with Tanya.
When I hugged me Ma at bus depot.
In the bathroom of Triples after arguing with Laura.
While watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition, it gets me every time.
On the bus, thinking about life, the future and the last few days.
Watching Oprah, it was about meth addicts.
Last night after checking my email, I worry you know.

In case you couldn’t tell it’s “that dreaded time of the fucking month” so I get a little emotional, and irritated and just plain female. I went out and got rip roaring drunk, which included but was not limited to, dancing, playing pool, fighting, and flirting. Though I tried to go easy on the last one, since the alcohol definitely destroys the icky metre, and makes me feel like I am the hottest chick in the world.

Speaking of men, can I just take this opportunity to tell you how much I LOVE men… I do, of all shapes, sizes and ages, I can find something about almost every man that I like. Over half my friends are guys, for every really close chick friend I have ( one for each province I have lived) I have an equally close guy friend.

I have been thinking a lot about love lately, about being in love, the different types of love, and how it’s not a word I toss around lightly. I embrace it and I use it strongly to let my friends and family know how much they mean to me. I had a lot more I wanted to say but I got too involved in my messenger conversations with some great guy friends of mine and lost all track of what I was going to say so…

Now I am tired and I hope you all have a wonderful evening.

I start Adkins diet again in the morning.. I want to lose 40 pounds this summer… then I will only have 30 to go… wouldn’t it be awesome if I was back to my “normal” weight by Christmas.

Dirtbag is such a fun word, try it… DIRTBAG!

Spell checker in blogger is being a dick.

I ate an entire plate of strawberries today. mmmmmmmmmmmm. Strawberries, cantelope, grapes watermelon and honeydew. I seriously almost moaned out loud it was so amazing.



Blogger Unknown said...

I don't like lobster, and they grow on trees out here dumbass. :P

2:26 p.m.  

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