Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, May 09, 2005

So I lied

I have only been gone a week and I am already updating, so shoot me.

So the flight went well.. I slept to long on the first one to properly sleep through the second one. Jimi met us at the airport, guided us to the bus, onto the c-train and left us only when our cab came at the last rain stop. The cabbie did not know the area we were referring too, (my friend, Darren lives in McKenzie Lake the south East tip of the city) when we gave him the address.

We ended up at the wrong house with a dog (a mutt) and a security system.... The keys were supposed to be in the mailbox, we hunted for them for a bit before realizing that perhaps we had the wrong place? We began to walk, at 12 am in Calgary, it was a quaint neighbourhood, we happily discovered the proper street to be only 3 streets from were we were dropped. We found the key in the mailbox with a note that said, "make yourselves at home, there is warm food in the oven and beer in the he fridge. It was signed by Darren's brother's girlfriend, Darcy, if I had been gay I would have asked the woman to marry me. Food in the oven and Beer in the fridge, she's a New Brunswicker, Alright!

Tuesday we went traipsing around the city, looking for my friend, and just enjoying ourselves, Wednesday was more of the same, had a very good time caught some live music. Thursday we relaxed and checked out the local "park".

The bums are very polite here, one asked if we could provide him with some change we were not "emotionally attached to". Another had a sign that said, "I am out of work, hungry and ugly spare change?" Much better than the "Please support the SWE Foundation (Smoke Weed Everyday) sign I seen in Moncton.

I found what I have been searching for in every bizarro shop, a bullet belt.. I have been wanting one for sometime... (don't ask) but I have to wait till the Summer weight loss program kicks into high gear before I purchase it.

Speaking of food, I have become a quasi vegetarian out here... Laura only eats organic meat and seafood, and we have been sharing groceries, so that limits my food options, but it is slightly cheaper and I guess you have to be open to new experiences.

"Pie... Seaweed Pie"

-Old Dude in Maple Leaf commercial

(does anyone else remember that commercial or was it a delusional childhood thingy??)

I went out Saturday night alone in my catholic schoolgirl skirt and sandals, caught the C-train, and found my way to meet my Tanya. I meet some rather SKETCHY people.

We went out to "The Warehouse" an all night after hours club, we waited in line for almost an hour and one half, I complained Tanya reminded me I had waited in long lines for Hermans, so why not a big ass club like this. They played house, and loads of it, all night long...

We stepped outside to sunshine at 8:45 am. My feet were SOOOOOOOOOOO Sore! We got back to her friends place at 10:30 and I fell asleep on the couch. I was exhausted.

I forgot to tell you why I was exhausted.

We went to Canmore and Banff on Saturday morning... That's right folks I seen the Rockies in all their glory, I hiked (man I'm outta shape) down this place where people were "climbing" solid rock faces, and the hike back up was tiring. It was breathtakingly beautiful, I felt completely insignificant next to those huge snow covered beasts reaching high into the sky.

The altitude change has made Laura freeze, and my alcohol tolerance completely eliminated. One pint of draft and I am smiling like a Cheshire cat, slurring my words and waving my hands like a possessed Frenchman.

I have ate more fish out west in the past week then I did in the past 5 months in NB, but I'm a weirdo and what did you expect.

This has been an insanely long ramble;e I didn't even get to tell you about the waterfalls, or my broken sunglasses, listening to William Shatner and eating hummus like it was mashed potatoes. I also didn't' fill you in on the joys of the Calgary transportation systems, how my crane fascination has been overloaded, and the drunken Hughie pool playing character from Antigonish, who doesn't quite get the meaning of the word No!

I am off to Edmonton tomorrow, catching the 6:30 am bus, to meet "Me Ma" (for the record she hates when i call her that) and possibly check out the "West Edmonton Mall" (not my idea of a good time but it's one of the things to see when you come to Alberta so we will dutifully do it, I HATE MALLS).

We are also supposed to meet up with Aimee for supper, which I didn't' realize Jaclyn hadn't arrived yet so we will have to rectify that when she arrives and have supper with her as well.



(I will shut up shortly)

My parents may possibly be taking off the first two weeks of June to head to British Columbia, my grandma is flying out with my moms best friend for some Lodge(woman's organization) thingy. We are going to meet up with them, and stay at my great uncles (who is fairly loaded and owns a big ole boat, so we possibly could go boating in the Pacific ocean, I am so excited I could pee). Plus it would be awesome to visit with my grandma, and tomorrow is my dads birthday....

Happy Birthday Daddio!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!! I think he turned 33, but I could be off by 20 years or so?????

I hope this was somewhat sensible, though I highly doubt it since I was the one who wrote it......



Blogger Tiffydoodle said...

Somehow i knew u wouldn't stop updating. U will love West Ed Mall...theres soo much to do, ya just can't hate it...Canmore *shudders* Beautifull town lived there for a few months lol but amazingly enought the mountains get boring after a while lol Enjoy Alberta

6:30 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I REMEMBER that commercial! :)
I couldn't remember what it was for though, thanks... aah maple leaf.

I'm glad to hear that things are going well with you out there!

Lisarse ;-)

11:56 p.m.  

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