Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I love you guys

What a wonderful crazy fun filled weekend... I figured out a lot of crazy things... I had a terrific time and I was awake at 9 am today... I went shopping bought new sneakers and sandals (thank you payless).

The weather has been delightful, I am anxiously anticipating my trip.... Still have a biggillion things to do..

Started sorting and packing today, with the lovely Laura's aid....

My drunk friend repeatedly told off and police officer on Saturday night till I threaten to rip her face off, and politely dismissed the cop with promises to take her the hell home.....

My life is just one big adventure... Speaking of which... Sunday afternoon I am tearing down the highway shades on radio up and this car goes zooming by me, and I see this girl in eh backseat whip her head around and give me a weird look... They start slowing down and I thought fuck those hoes and start to fly by them... and the rear window goes down and I see this girl waving out the window and I am thinking look at these nutjobs... Boy how RIGHT was... It's Jaclyn and Aimee I was very excited to see them...I jumped in with them... We shot down to Saint John (the ghetto of NB) chilled out and ripped back to Moncton... So awesome to see them... They are also preparing to head out west though their trip is much more permanent... I am thrilled for those girls.

I am worried about being able to update when I go away... I am worried about what I am leaving behind and I am scared for the changes I will face when I return... I can do this...

Though I have started the emotional detachment phase of moving... I seperate myself from certian people to make parting easier... Though the hardest ones to leave behind... don't even realize the difference they have made in my life.


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