Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I still have no computer to call my own, my brother was nice enough this evening to allow me to hijack his and boy have I ever enjoyed it.

I am heading to Cape Breton for the weekend. I want to see my Metalheads before they venture off into their big time futures and I begin mine.

I selected my courses, extremely excited.. I only have classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 am till 2:30 pm, very sweet!

I get a rebate back from my car insurance, for 135$, nothing overly fancy but money in my pocket nonetheless.

I chatted with hot guitar player tonight, and it turns out that my "cute boy interested in Jamie" metre was not out of whack last night, and he is supposed to call me... as cheesy as it sounds I am rather looking forward to it... I even blushed and giggled a little tonight.. (fromage fromage).

THIS could prove to be a LOT of fun!

Did I mention I dyed my hair this dark reddy burgandyish color and I am enjoying it!

I am reading my entire psychology textbook before school starts in two weeks... Is that really nerdy or just being well prepared..... I also have 5 other books on the go... I will post titles and recommendations later.

Listening to Stone Sour... I prefer Corey Taylor's vocal stylings with this band as opposed to Slipknot... you know it's 4 am and Jamie has only had 5 hours sleep in the last 2 days when she thinks she can discuss metal... Intelligently....

Motorhead's Live at Brixton '87, at retardedly high volumes, makes doing laundry, scouring the kitchen, and doing dishes, all while pissing off the dirty basement tenants, a pleasure.

Someone should have warned the bastards not to fuck with and threaten my friends.


Did I tell you I went to the Rodin exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery? Well I will!


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