Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Beach bums and prostitutes

So was in the middle of typing up an update on all my adventures in BC when I had to drive Davinna to work... (We are going to the beach later today..)

I dropped her off at work, I went to buy a bathing suit, as I have only purple bottoms and a skimpy tank top that shows off far too much cleavage..... I stopped at my favorite store, the store I have spent close to 5,000 in since I first discovered it four years ago..... They had a 50% off sale... I tried on some clothes... I suspected I lost weight this summer... Gained a little muscle so I got adventurous and tried on some other sizes......

I went from a size 20 (twenty) to a 14 (FOUR-FUCKING-TEEN), except for in dresses, my boobs are still too bloody big....

I purchased 2 pairs of size 14 pants... I could cry... I have been a size 18-20 almost 5 years.... I lost some weight last summer, because when I left Stream I was a size 22, ick...

I wasn't worried about the number on the scale... It was always the size of clothing that bothered me... I am doing this... I AM DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

Mount Allison just built a brand spanking new best in Atlantic Canada Fitness Centre..... I haven't ate McDonald's in 4 months, I haven't ate Kraft dinner in four months.... I am getting in shape mofos... It feels great!!!!!!!!!

Laura I love you for pissing me off this summer... bitching about what I was eating... I owe Chiquita for introducing me to the Greens, and dear lord...

I lost weight dudes....

The beach today... Jamie's toes in the Pacific, I will finish my adventures update, going to the I-max with Curtis.

ooo and on a totally unrelated, but have to tell you because it is so funny, note.

Jamie and Davinna were parked waiting for the store to open that Davinna had to pick up supplies in for her employment. We see a hooker, she was wearing this really cute skirt, it was 11am, which I thought was rather early for a hooker, but I guess

"the early bird catches the worm" hehehehehehhehehehehe (ok I enjoyed that pun, screw you if you didn't)


I see the hooker walk into tthe street and pick up a Tim Hortons cup, and I thought that is so cool in Victoria the hookers are environmentally conscious....


I see the hooker walk over to an ice machine at the traveler's Inn and fill it up with ice and water and DRINK FROM IT, she picked up a dirty run over coffee cup, placed water inside it and drank from it.... (yes she was recyling so she still could be environmentally aware....) but


Davinna and I were discussing the type of man who would actually acquire a street walker, and if we could ever date a man who we knew had been with a hooker (the answer being for both of us a strong NO!) when our inquires were met with an answer as an old school camper pulls up and picks up the hooker... So anyone driving a dirty old camper is now a "john".

seriously that actually happened ask Davinna it was so funny...


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