Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Amazing Weekend Part 3

I have to pack... I have to pack I have to pack... Why is it I am a professional procrastinator? I know I have to do it... I always put things off to the last minute... What's wrong with me?

Ok Part three.

So while leaving the Wild Rose Saloon, Friday night, I noticed poster for male exotic dancers coming to Grade Cache... I didn't think to much about it till I checked the date, it was for the very next night. "Naomi and Jaclyn you are not going to believe this"

Fast Forward to Saturday afternoon... We went out for lunch bought some party supplies.. I got this really wicked body sugar scrub with really awesome smelling whipped souffle body cream, got my hair cut and we all got our eyebrows waxed. We were supposed to go white water rafting then go horseback riding but thanks to the horrid weather we just chilled out ad enjoyed each others company... People started coming over for Naomi's birthday celebration, presents were opened... We made her wear this really gaudy tiara... Then everyone would know it's her birthday.

We were a little late getting there... The show was supposed to start at 10 we show up around 10:30 the strippers are making their rounds, selling tickets for "lap dances" ad posters and crap.... They also sold raffle tickets to win stuff after the show... I was wearing my school girl skirt and my brand spanking new Metallica t-shirt (its' so beautiful), and one of the strippers start flirting with me about liking school girls... *yawn*.... Which was funny until the other one noticed my t-shirt... Ten minute conversation with a stripper about metal, and movies... I received the death glares from almost every female in the bar... Too funny...

it was a funny show... Some was hot.. Some was NOT...

We got some crazy pictures had some good laughs... It was just an awesome time... Just being with my friends and having fun.


Blogger Megs said...

I can't wait until we can have some amazing weekends together. Only 5 more months 'til Christmas! Love you and miss you lots.

12:44 p.m.  

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