Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Until I get to write a proper update, I have a few quick things to mention.

Found THIS on Locals, was honestly concerned about wetting my pants, it is bloody well hilarious.

Did I mention how awesome my weekend was?

Gave notice at both Jobs today..... I feel really appreciated at both jobs I have amazing co workers, and my managers are really cool... especially Deb at Barcelona's nicest manager ever.

I am going to Vancouver on July 30th, heading to Victoria August 2nd ish? to visit the Divine Davinna, (uber excited) and flying to Halifax probably the 8th or 9th ish. I am not sure if I am goingto venture back to Calgary before heading home (which I would love to do). I will be back in Moncton before August 13th, possibly the 11th. I am hopingot get to Cape Breton sometime in August, though depending on job/apartment search and what not... I am uncertain.

I have to get back to work... I calculated my work time, since May 24th, I have had 11 days off....my next day off is July 30th.... Whew no wonder I have been exhausted.

I have blew my knee out 4 times since Saturday night... and i may have to have my foot re-broken when I get home...

I will tell you about my weekend... so amazing...


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