Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, July 10, 2005


have tons to say

went to Edmonton... seen Jaclyn and Aimee... bought some of the most amazing things

could not be happier...

off to dye Laura's hair then heading to "Dukes" it's the cowboy bar... we are in the wild west, therefore, we have to see a cowboy.. with the boots, belt buckle and of course the hat... going to try to have picture taken with the "hat"!

will try and update later.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, just checkin in on ya. Hope all is well and hey save a horse ride a cowboy!!!!!!

8:38 p.m.  
Blogger Megs said...

Hey, Jamie. I posted a reply to Creepy Copier on my site. When you get a chance, please read. I would like your comments on how I handled the situation. Love you.

3:01 p.m.  

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