Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Amazing Weekend Part 2

We return to Naomi's I crash out on the couch... We wake up around 2ish.. I pop in shower and we hit the road for Hinton.... It's a nice drive mostly through the mountains... We see a tiny bit of wildlife... we get in and pick up Jaclyn and Richard (Naomi's 20 year old cousin) at the Greyhound station. Naomi and I are starved, we hadn't ate since 8 am and it's 5pm, we head to BOSTON PIZZA ( I enjoy Boston Pizza especially their cactus cut nachos, which we shared an order of)... I ordered the birthday girl a muff diver ( a shooter buried in a martini glass full of whipped cream, no hands allowed) and the entire staff comes marching out singing and clapping and delivers it to the table... I have some great pictures of her doing her shot.

We had great food and then headed out back for Grande Cache... We had a full night of celebrating and catching up, I hadn't seen Naomi since the previous June and Jaclyn since April, the two of them hadn't seen each other since May so... yea I felt sorry for Richard cause we all bubbled and giggled like fools.

We got back, got changed.. headed out to the WILD ROSE SALOON... Not a bad place, owned by a lovely lady, with an all female staff... Which was cool, all very friendly girls... Richard and I went and played pool while Jaclyn and Naomi danced to Michael Jackson's Billie Jean...

Then I joined them on the dance floor for some Shiny Disco Balls... We danced, and danced and we danced some more... I had the most amazing time... I had HUGE blisters on my feet, but I didn't care... We met this guy "Randy" supposedly one of the town "studs" (it's a male dominated town more so than GP) and Noami dared Jaclyn to make out with him... hehehehehehe..... I thought he was a douche he was wearing this t-shirt that was a little too tight... then I read the band name on the shirt and that well he can't be all bad so I asked him about it.

Jamie: Iron Maiden shirt eh?
Randy: Yea.
Jamie: You like Iron Maiden?
Randy: Naw it's just a shirt...


I could go into even further details about what a douche bag this guy was but... really that two second conversation just about says it all... It's just a shirt... fucking idiot.

We get back to Naomi's place and grab our Boston Pizza Leftovers... hit the hay... We are going white water rafting, horse back riding and swimming the following day...

It's raining... no riding wet stinky horses... no white water rafting... no swimming... Instead we go to the local "mall" and buy birthday supplies... Balloons, presents, hats.. Plates and a cheesy "birthday" tiara... I also got my eyebrows waxed and hair cut for 20$ (which in GP it's 35$ just to get hair cut).

Oh did I mention the strippers?

Working again... Possibly till 3 am (i start at 3pm) and then possibly again at 8 am.... I told them if I have to work to three and be up again for 8am I want a hotel room with a jacuzzi!!! so there!

There is more to my fantastic weekend... I have some AWESOME pictures...

I mailed some postcards today... If you want a postcard email me your address.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's my postcard?

3:26 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

what's your address... email it to me!!!

3:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:42 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

*shakes head*

DUDES I need your MAILING address to send you MAIL... therfore you must E-mail me your MAILING address....


silly friends

10:47 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahaha long week, Sam's havin a blonde moment...LOL
Mailing address is:

B-6 Lakeview Trailer Court
Moose Jaw, Sask
S6J 1C5

12:46 a.m.  

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