Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, July 29, 2005


I am almost finished packing I WILL mail out postcards tomorrow.. No really!

I did lose weight this summer.. Carrying all those beer cases has toned up my arms!

I am going to miss living in a male dominated town, especially labouring males, something about a man who is getting dirty and sweaty all day is very erotic. (Mind you they do clean up very nice, and most of the men are perfect gentlemen, a majority being easterners of course.).

I will miss the cool people I have met here. I get attached too easily.

I will also miss the shitload of money I make every night, as well as the other great perks with my job, ie free food and entertainment.

I am bringing home half a suitcase full of books... Most of which I stole back from my brother, and some he insisted I read.

I have this whole new inner confidence, Which is so awesome.

I am going to cry a lot in the next two days, because I am a baby and I will miss my parents.

Laura got home safe, which is a huge relief.

I should be in bed it's 3:45 am, my friends back is are signing into messenger as they get ready to leave for work.. I just got in a half hour ago from work.... *YAWN*

I bought more wild hair dye.....

Did I mention I am getting new piercings when I get home....


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