Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, March 20, 2006

Loud music and cleaning supplies

Tonight after school I am coming home, having supper a quick nap and a hot date with some heavy metal. I want to clean my apartment. I want to sort through my clothes that no longer fit me. I want to scrub my bathtub. I am going to get rid of the ugly kitchen table and chairs.

Then I am going to light a bunch of candles curl up in my bed with some hot chocolate and read my English novel for the second time. Then I can get up tomorrow morning and write my essay. I enjoy reading, I enjoy writing. I have turned school into a chore and something I dread.


I love school. I want to do this and I want to do well. I must quit stressing myself out. I know if I clean like a madwoman it will relax me. One month and I am finished my first year of university.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie, babe, Call me, ok..lemme know how you're doing..210-1743..or msg me..something..I'm concerned, weather you like it or not.. :(

2:46 a.m.  

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