Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nutso time

I am overtired, stressed to the max.. I have become this sister/aunt figure in my house, I start a new job next week..I hate being an adult and I quit drinking.. Completely.. I have two essays due Friday, going to my grandmothers tonight I can't concentrate, I suck at training the new puppy, he looks at me while he shits on the floor, and it makes me want to throw him in a snowbank.. But at the same time all I can do is yell "No" firmly and point at the mess.. I need to work out something better, and I have to do some research on my Greek essay. I barely talk to my parents anymore because of the time change and I really miss them...It's Grandma's birthday I should get her something nice. I am so anxious to go to Halifax and think about absolutely nothing for a few days.

I do not understand why I have to drive myself to the brink of insanity in order to accomplish some work.. But I do every time.. I mean it usually turns out great but still... This whole raving like a lunatic on the internet is not doing wonders for my image... Then again perhaps it is.. I'm lonely and I realize I am not supposed to admit this but it's true and I am sick of giving relationship advice to people when HELLO I'm not in a relationship so obviously you shouldn't be asking me. I have also realize that most people I know in relationships (with exceptions) are in crappy relationships, and aren't unhappy but portray themselves as, it's like the old gag about the nagging wife.. I've come to realize that guys like the nagging wife, and surprisingly I'm not that kind of girl, so therefore I suck at being girlfriend material and I won't settle for some guy who doesn't suit me just because I am not enjoying being alone. We also grew up in an age of divorced parents (but I didn't) so I think that skews our ideas on relationships, as a society ( I warned you this was nutso time), I also think I need to sleep a lot more, and also came to terms with my being shallow about height and how I hate how short everyone in Moncton is, which also makes me look forward to this weekend.

then brilliantly my luck has changed I found some cashola, on my way to breakfast with Laura, maybe I will have some tea then focus on my research.

Dear Lord anyone who read this thing must think I'm a total head case...

Am I a total headcase?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you are, but your friends love you anyways.
You know where I am if you need to vent.

3:23 p.m.  

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