Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, April 02, 2006

10 year old secrets

This is what I look like when I stop hiding.

I have had depression since I was 14. I always viewed it as a vulnerability and a weakness and was scared to admit it to anyone. I had a strict rules about balance and order to keep it under control. To keep my secret safe.

This finally failed miserably since my spring break from classes. My living situation has gone dramatically downhill since December. As my grandmother so aptly put it today, "Jamie you are not the saviour for every lame duck."

I am not certain how much sense this makes except that I needed you to know. I need to stop hiding and saying I'm crazy and triaging so hard to be normal. Depression is normal.. I didn't realize how normal til I "came out of the closet" with mine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will always be there for you, babe. No matter where you are, you will always know how to get ahold of me, even if you just wanna catch up with a friend.

Love ya!

P.S...I love how your hugs are more like an embrace.

7:57 p.m.  

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