Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Nostalgic nonsense

It's my oldest friends birthday today, and by oldest friend, I mean she has been my friend the longest... She turned 22 today, we met when I was 8, she was 7 , I holding the title as biggest and baddest troublemaker in the neighbourhood.

We used to run around David and Grace's farm, jumping from the different chicken coops, throwing stuff at the boys... Sliding down the hill behind your house, hiding from your younger cousin, running from the headless chickens, and scared of the slaughtered pigs hanging from the tree... We would feed the geese dried up bread, and scream as they chased after us when the crumbs had disappeared.

We were innocent, you were so gullible, and wanted to be popular, I tried to share my independent thinking with you, teaching you not to be so afraid to assert yourself. We were like sisters, inseparable for the most part, despising one other at other at times, so stubborn, with your fiery haired temper and my bossy ways.

It's so strange to see you as a woman now, going to university, being in a serious relationship, making a life for yourself, I still see you as being innocent, naive and 7.

You always looked up to me, sought my guidance, thought I was so cool, accepting everything I told you, looking for reassurance. It's so wonderful when we get together how we can just immediately fall back into our childish ways, of talking about boys, worrying about the future and giggling like fools.

I am blessed to have a friend like you, Tasha.


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