Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, January 28, 2005


My mind is jumbling, I am so tired, and there is a new shift bid tomorrow.

I found this great site about scholarships in Canada, I am waiting for some university calendars to arrive.

I have to start shopping around for new banks. The bank I currently deal with is raising it's rates again, I am fed up it seems every 6 months they crank my rates. One of the girls I work with has an account with another bank and there is no bank fees, EVER. Free checks, no ATM fees, all the banking is online or on the phone which is how i pay all my bills anyway so this is terrific.

Thanks to everyone who gave me hugs... It was heart warming, and I was shocked how many I received, I guess this site gets more hits than I thought.... I just started the counter 2 months ago and I am already almost to 3, 000 hits.

I got my incentive on my check an extra 99 dollars... so sweet because I need all the money i can get to catch up on the bills.

My journal is now beautiful my friend MJ fixed it up all PURRRRRRTY! If you know the site check it out...


Blogger Tiffydoodle said...

What bank would that be if ya don't mind me askin cause no fees would be great

7:30 p.m.  

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