Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, January 23, 2005


My roommate plans on buying a handgun and keeping it locked up under
his bed...I already told him if he does I am moving out... don't ask
me the exact stats, but anyone in your household owning a gun,
automatically increases chances of being shot with said gun...

University... Do you have any idea how many universities there are out
there offering what I want to take... I have been cross referencing
tuitions costs, with location and prestige. HELP!

I took an IQ test and the results SHOCKED me..... Mind you it was
online, and I was made fun of, sent another IQ test that was timed
and scored the exact same.... I scored higher than the average University
graduate... Which eased some of my fears that my brain had ceased to
function after being exposed to the tar ponds of Cape Breton.

Mama Said... such an awesome song... My parents are back from their
trip to Florida which makes me much more comfortable... I haven't got
to hear too much about their trip except my father was ill during most
of it.

I am going to my Grammy's today... It's 4:13 am... I am going to go to
church with her..... I have been getting loads of questions regarding
my religious beliefs lately... A lot of flack too..

Huge Blizzard on the horizon... I think it might be good to be snowed
in with my grandmother for the weekend... Catch up on good times...
plus she gives awesome advice, and is EXTREMELY wise, and a hardcore
conservative , talk about clash of opinions.

The Doctor is in! I played relationship counselor to two separate
people tonight... I think they both forgot that I am the single
girl.... I do give great advice though... I just don't usually heed

I love pea soup...... YUMMY!

Apparently I need to be a mindless idiot, without any opinion on anything in order to "catch me a man"..... I think I will stay single a little longer THANK YOU VERY MUCH! (BTW I still hate you).

It's 5 am.... I really should hit the road... Blizzards suck ass....


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