Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, January 10, 2005


Have you ever examined your life? Have you ever wondered if you will actually see all your goals accomplished? DO you ever think, maybe it will truly be over tomorrow? If these we're my last days alive on the planet would I be content in all that I have done? If you really put your mind to something do you honestly believe you can accomplish it? Have you ever wanted to take your own life? Have you thought about the method you would choose? If you knew that a comet was about to strike the earth would you hold hands with your loved ones and drink a glass of poison? Would you curl up in bed with your significant other and a bottle of sleeping pills? Would you find the highest cliff and take the final plunge. Have you found happiness? Have you met "the one"... How do you KNOW they are "the one"? Do you think there is a match for everyone? Does God exist? Has he ever presented something to you that guides you in a direction or solidifies your faith? What about the Bible, do you accept it all, pick out the parts that fit your life, or think it's a great fairy tale that gives us some kind of guidelines on how we should live? WHO do you admire? Why do you think they are so great? IS it wrong to set standards for your friends, to get angry at them when they give up. Do you feel? Can you give up your life for another? Is not wanting to take someone else's life a crime? Can you justify your actions? Would you stand by and watch someone be beaten? Are you idealistic? Do you have morals? Have you drawn lines in the sand? Do your realize that the walls you have built to keep the bad people out, have also keep the good ones out to? Is the worst moment of your life, balanced out by the best?

I live in a bubble.


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