Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Stranger Things HAVE Happened.

My mom was on cheap drugs today and told me how proud she is off me how beautiful I am...

Ok that's not true.

She wasn't on the cheap drugs... but it was a very weird conversation.

I guess not getting knocked up, having a job and being a stubborn self-centre bitch isn't the worst thing in the world.

I love my parents.

My Dad is doing a lot better. Thanks to anyone who asked. He is working again, on light duty. They bought a new vehicle.... an Escape I think.

I am skipping Christmas this year... I am too poor or "po" as Kenzie likes to say.

Two people on my Christmas list.

Laura - cause she was awesome enough to let me and Sean stay there and disrupt her life for a week when we were totally down and out and even my family wouldn't let us stay there.

Grandma - cause she loves me no matter what my stupid antics are, piercings I get or hair colors I pick.

Everyone else... I love you but I am too "po". I can't even mail out my Christmas cards lol. Maybe I will do a because it's January presents instead.

I have a new shift 5:30 pm - 1 am Tuesday thru Saturday. I don't mind the hours but I really wish I had Friday and Saturday night off.

I watched Last Action Hero last night, where kid steps into his favorite action movie.


If you could step into any movie what movie would it be? Why?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent question!

I'd jump into The Truman Show and swim in the fake sea with Jim Carrey :D


4:12 p.m.  

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