Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, December 17, 2004

Could be Worse....

I thought I knew... I thought I knew what the real world was all about..
Well the bubble has been popped.
I have bills, Upon Bills Upon BILLS.
It all started when I broke my foot.... Last February... No wait... When that's Fucking SHIT head hit my car in the Stream parking lot. I had to buy a new car, there went my 8 grand worth of savings.. Plus a monthly payment, and my insurance went up another grand. I was doing OK, getting by, then I broke my foot missed some time at work and the bills piled up. and up and UP!
Then I left Stream to work at the fortress I could make more money.... Experience something different and leave the Stream drama behind.
Then Parks Canada went on strike... My hours were cut.. Then laid off for shortage of work. Unemployment does NOT pay my bills... Plus I was foolish I thought I could keep living the way I had been living... Oops.
I don't' regret it but it was my downfall... So then I made a really stupid decision.... I starting working at ICT... Money was good I was making commission... but I realized I felt evil... I was the dreaded telemarketer on the other end of the phone.. That's not who I am so I called my Doctor... Quit my job,,, got the doctors note... and waited 5 FIVE FUCKING WEEKS for pogey... It didn't come for FIVE WEEKS. i managed to avoid any of my bills going to collection (thank god for being a good telesales person).
I teeter on the edge or a very narrow line between debt and debt free.... I just got my first full paycheck from Minacs.
$858 SWEET
Deductions $185
$676 left
$175 for cc payments
$352 for car payments missed.
$37 for gas to get to and from work.
70$ for cell phone bill..... (which I may just skip, and see if I can sucker my way into another few weeks).
$20 for my grandmothers Christmas present
That leaves me 20$ till January (oops December)31st. Which I need to buy the gas to get to Cape Breton, thank god Sean is coming and we can split the cost. I am glad I like flakes of ham and mushroom soup cause that's about all the groceries we have lol.
There I did it... I confessed my big dirty secret... I can't handle money o save my life.
Funny thing is... I have never gone without it.... I am one of those people who puts on their winter jacket and finds 20 bucks... I miss being a smoker only because I could find enough money for smokes anywhere.
Wait I think I forgot a bill... Oh yes the power bill
there goes the 70$ for the phone bill and the 20 bucks for gas... good thing I drive some people to work... So that should cover that....
Fuck being an adult sucks.


Blogger Megs said...

Oooh, Jamie. I'm right there with you, Chick. I currently owe a disgusting amount of money to credit lenders. Jordan and I are straightening up, though...It's hard. With our car payments, we can't live like we did in Halifax and it's hard to get used to the fact that we can't spend $50 in renting movies every weekend and/or going out to eat and/or buying CDs whenever we feel like it. I had my VISA completely paid off for about a week last month..Old habits die hard.

10:20 a.m.  

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