Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, January 28, 2005

Beat The Geeks

Dimwitted remarks, casually tossed over your shoulder.
Ripping my emotions, arrogant eyes, laughing quietly.
Empty promises, broken contraceptives, used shoes.
Burning flesh, seething tempers, drunken regrets.
Tears streaming, pain developing, soothing words.
Where does the rage come from?

It's completely ridiculous... I am filled with these overpowering feelings sometimes.... Uncontrollable moods...Hysterical Laughing fits.......... Buckets of Tears... Unexplained fits of RAGE....I usually control it quite well... I vent a little here and there... I get in absolutely ridiculous arguments with some of the most (add personal adjective here) people.

I release some of my emotions, and move on...Logically I have no reason to be upset, about anything. Ever... I live a fairy tale life... As much as I complain sometimes about bills, men, etc... I really do have everything anyone could ever want... (except for 60 extra pounds). I try and rationalize it to myself... I cannot find a solid explanation except for the fact that I am female... Which gives me full rights to be a psychopath... I deny, bitch and fight about it but in the end I do embrace being a female... It's fabulous.... I do make a valiant effort not to be a deranged lunatic... like some of my female counterparts.

Most of my male friends are pretty hard core conservatives and one of them quoted a hardcore CONSERVATIVE US radio personality Michael Savage who said "Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder".

I think that is a completely false statement, and I think conservatives are deranged individuals...(did I mention my whole family is conservative besides me) but that's besides the point... The conclusion I am trying to draw is maybe being female is a mental disorder.....

perhaps I am as normal as I can get... At 7 am on a Friday morning... After listening to 5 hours of metal............. Worrying about cleansing the bathroom, and what to cook for supper tomorrow...

It all makes sense now I'm just sleep deprived..... (remember when I told you guys that if you didn't sleep for 48 hours you could legally kill someone.... Good Times Good Times.)

Don't you just love my insane pointless ramblings... I believe I'm right you know, even though I am very much to the left.

*Cue insane laughter..........



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