Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

This is it

I catch the bus in two hours to go to Sackville, I am heading straight to administration to replace my lost student ID card,. I never did get my wallet returned.. *sniff*

Then the library to do some last minute studying before the big ol exam.. It's at 7 pm in the GYM... Apparently the worst place to write an exam.

I am staying at the lovely Laura's tonight... Everyone else there is in the middle of exams as well could b a pretty stressful environment.

I received a beautiful Christmas card from the most beautiful girl in Edmonton! (It's a beautiful sunshiney day here today so the flight should go well.)

oh and my girly ick is coming today... So I will be in pain, sick and crank all through exams... Appropriate.. I suppose.

I think some Motorhead would be fitting right now.

Did I ever tell you I have the best little brother on the planet.. I was short on funds, and he gave me a shitload of money for Christmas and bought me dinner... I am cleaning his vehicle (which he is also lending me while he is away!!!!) as his Christmas present..

which reminds me I should make a list of things to accomplish over the holidays.


Blogger My Turn said...

I'm glad you got it babe. And Thanks for calling me beautiful. YOu're looking pretty hot in your display pics yourself!

4:25 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

"calling you beautiful"


inside and out!!


I think I am coming out west in April again!

4:31 p.m.  

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