Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, November 25, 2005


Holy Crap!

I just read some of my past posts.. My writing is atrocious.. I must proof read.. I have to correct my pathetic mistakes.

I have to stop doing the "....." all the fucking time! How annoying is that?

I usually just run the spell checker through quickly and then publish... BAD JAMIE!

I am also going to work on my actual typing skills. I find I have just gotten lazy and I don't correct myself. I also like to think of this as free thought put to "paper" which also prevents me from editing stuff.

Which I could stop spilling my guts on the internet altogether.

Did I mention I didn't sleep much lately, less than 6 hours in 3 days-idiot!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Ya know if you didn't spend so much time harassing me on the net last night, you might've been able to get a few hours sleep...;)hahaha..I'm just glad you got your essay done..

9:26 a.m.  
Blogger Fai said...

I have the same "..." problem...


2:26 a.m.  

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