Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, November 20, 2005

My oh my

Where to begin.. Well this was my last weekend as a free woman, from here out I have projects and studying, and no time for partying... Well except perhaps wild Wednesday wing nights. I think I may have had an extreme amount of fun the last few days...

Wednesday night was wing night.. Went out had a blast and didn't' get home till after 4 am I started falling asleep on this cute guys couch... If he did not share the same name as my father I think I would have asked him out...

Thursday.. Had a falling out with someone close to me.. Will not' be talking to him for a while.. Which is sad..

Then got read y for the METAL SHOW... I have been so excited for this show.. Partially because I love the opening band Black Frost, and I was excited to see some other black metal bands... Partly because I was going to finally get to wear out my corset.


I had so much fun... Loads of compliments on "my outfit" and loads of hot metal guys checking me out.. Which was great for Jamie's self esteem hehehehe.

I was also told I should win some sort of award for "thrashing".. I think that means it was cool to see a chick head bang???? I avoided the "mosh" pit, I was in a skirt and heeled boots, plus a corset.. That could have turned really embarrassing really quick.

The after party was fun, didn't' get home till around 4:30 and didn't' get to sleep till almost 6 am and had to be up sometime around 7am I hit snooze a lot on the alarm.. Got to school to discover my first class was cancelled argh!

Got home and packed up some stuff to hit the road with Kiddo for Trin and Tim's place. We got to my cousins around 5 and had a lovely evening visiting with Trin. Went out to the base bar (she is stationed in Gagetown).

Tried to avoid military men and there bad pick up lines.. Being with my "little" brother (he's 6'5) helped. One guy stopped my cousin as we were coming off the dance floor to ask if her husband was in Afghanistan. (Tim was at a mess dinner) what kind of pick up line is that. Like FUCK!

to be continued


Blogger Megs said...

Oooh, Jamie...That is actually a standard pick-up line in Military bars. I've been subjected to those such as "My wife likes girls, too.", and "You should join my wife and I in Mississauga for the weekend...I know a great couple's bar there."

FYI - a "couple's bar", I later found out, is one where couples go to pick up other couples.

10:31 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

I heard there is a LOT of swinging that goes on in the military.

11:52 a.m.  
Blogger Megs said...

Eeexcellent....I mean, disgusting! I'm shocked and hornified! Wait...

5:13 p.m.  

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