Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, November 07, 2005


I wrote my essay.. I have 900 words.. Oh yea.. Now I just have to write the conclusion and link the arguments.. I am
D-O-N-E! Yippee!

It's not due till Wednesday and I have it almost completely written..

I spoke to the ONLY parson on the planet who can piss me off in less than 30 seconds last night.. I went from fairly good mood to crying my eyes out on the couch and screaming my head off.. I almost threw my cordless phone across the room... I haven't had a violent outburst like that in ages... Family... Ach...

so apparently the more I study for my psych the worse I do... Bloody hell!

Its my dear friend Jeff's birthday today... I am going to go call him and sing happy birthday, poor guy.. but he has to love me... =)

Well that was fun.. Then I talked to Laura, she's hilarious... It's good to have old friends, she keeps me level headed. In some aspects we are polar opposites, but in most we are eerily alike.

" Touched my heart, touched my soul. Changed my life, and all my goals"
-James Blunt

*I am so happy you are ok! I am going to write you another email tonight, good thing you actually enjoy the Jamie rants*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Family can be wonderful, when they're like you.


12:28 p.m.  

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