Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Time for another rant

Self reflective, psychotic rant brought to you by your very own local self absorbed bitch:


I am afraid I am becoming one of those people.. You know "those" people.. Who think they know everything because they go to university... ooo yea... I have to watch myself... It sucks because I am naturally inclined to educate (it's in my genes, no honestly it is), yet what the hell do I know, and what makes me any more intelligent than anyone else... Nothing...

I realize we all have our thing, some people it';s biology or math, others it's mechanics or plumbing, some people it's fashion, or films.... My thing is English... No actually it's literature.. I believe am pretty awesome at analyzing literature.... My typing skills are very shoddy, which accounts for most of my poor posts.. I do know how to spell... I just hate editing my blog posts.. I find I delete half of what I write when I do... Overly analytical.... Where was I going with this.. I think I was just saying I am enjoying my love affair with acquiring knowledge..I just have to be careful not to drive everyone else nuts with my desire to share it....

yea that's it...

I am such a self absorbed asshole.. I need to buy warning labels to stick on my chest (because it will be the most easily identified) about what a fucktard I am...

I think I have ADHD... Attention Deficit Hyperactive disorder... Having to sit down and study... Only further reinforces my fear that I have a complete lack of attention.. My friend Laura's comments this summer about my fluttery attentive nature started my suspicions.. I have a cousin who is... I really should get a medical card and go see a doctor... All kidding aside I can't concentrate on anything...

"History is written by the victors"
-Winston Churchill

I think I am naturally desire to portray myself as a good person on this blog, I believe I am a good person... But this is definitely not a balanced perception of who I am... I think very few people have a realistic view of who I am... Because I move a lot.. The "shiny" factor... I think this has been somewhat damaging because it allows me to be irresponsible in my actions... It's acceptable for me to be self absorbed because I care about others.... Being stubborn and pig headed is great because it allows me to accomplish things.. Having a complete disregard for money and most materialistic things is good because I am not contributing as much to our wasteful and self gratification nature of our society...

blah blah blah

yea I am a self absorbed asshole... If I tell you that enough.. It's an excuse... It's like well I warned you so therefore you have to accept it... I didn't hide it, so that makes it OK...

Meh..... I do realize these things, and I do make an effort to change it... Though some things I don't want to part with.. I think my stubbornness helps my drive.... I think my self absorbed "it will all work out in Jamie's favour" mentality actually helps things work out... I really do expect them too... Whenever I fail... Whenever I HAVE failed... Or "bad things" have occurred... There is a balance... I think for all my horrid qualities I have the good ones to balance them out.. the negative stuff... Reinforces all that crap... My inability to concentrate on one thing, helps me to be stronger at multi-tasking... My pig headiness helps me to solve other peoples problems...

how self indulgent has this post been???

meh... You didn't have to read it...


Blogger Megs said...

You're everything good anyone has ever said about you. I love you AND your stubborness.

9:26 a.m.  

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