Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, October 24, 2005

"Love is an unarmed intruder"

-Janet Winterson from the novel: "Lighthousekeeping"

I love university!!!!!!

I can't decide what to writ my essay on, have read all the literature, made notes, and I can ramble on about everything.. I need focus...

Watched "Crash" again tonight if you haven't seen it you should watch it!

My apartment is so wicked.. With the jungle intellectual theme... My roommate bought me a book self today.. I have a book shelf... I don't' think I have ever owned a book shelf.. My books have just been scattered across th floor, or stack in BOXES, no matter how many times I move.. I still have an insane amount of books.

I went to Prince Edward Island last night, had a blast!!!!! I have pictures and as soon as I learn a little more about photobucket.. I will link some stuff up.

*she knows if it wasn't complicating and confusing she wouldn't believe in it so much, she would convince herself that it was too good to be true, but it isn't, so it is...*

a commercial for the ring 2 is on TV and it scares me... I know it's silly but I scare easily... I want to watch Land of the Dead, yet I must have a boy to do that with... I need a guy friend in Moncton... Preferably one into horror movies and metal music...

*Yawn* 6:30am comes far to quickly!


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