Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Steve is FANTASTIC! (a sing-along)

Steve is absolutely AWESOME!

I want each and every person who reads this posts to click on that link and leave a comment on Steve's blog saying something positive and wonderful.. Or just a simple thank you.. Because I can't thank him enough.

I offered to buy him a present... I even through in "obscure", and "eBay" but he would hear none of it.. He did reluctantly give me permission to write a blog entry devoted to the wonder and glory that is Steve!

Jamie works well under pressure, she likes writing things last minute, it helps her to focus and be concise. She usually frets a bit... More for dramatic effect to keep her head clear and to make her concentrate...

At 4:30 am this morning, Jamie was on the verge of nervous break down.. She was nauseous, she was second guessing herself,she had drank about 3 litres of water and 1 litre of hot chocolate (coffee addiction has still not developed but I may work on that now that I attend university) words on the screen had started to blur, she had sent out three emails for proof reading of her essay.. No replies...

This was an essay worth 30% of her final, she had tried to nap, she had paced the floor, she had given herself a pep talk... To NO avail...

Then a sound, familiar yet so startling at such a late (early) hour, *beeeeng* a MSN messenger Alert~ SOMEONE WAS AWAKE~ not only was someone awake, but it was someone who she knew could write, someone whose writing she admired, someone who had taken at least one writing class to her knowledge.

Like a light in the darkest depths of hell, "Steve-Newly Engaged" popped online,a and as she frantically messaged him, trying to not come across as a crazed lunatic with her pleas for his assistance.

Quick background on Steve, fantastic writer, I have read every blog entry he has published, he LOVES Batman,he has an awesome sense of humour, he loves Batman, he just got engaged to the lovely Wendy, and he LOVES Batman!

Did I mention he ADORES Batman?

At 5 am this morning, he gave up watching Batman to proof read and analysis my essay.. In it's rough haphazard form. He also provided great comedic relief from the nervous breakdown... Some wonderful encouragement (more on encouragement in future post)... He also gave me a lecture on time management..

Steve is fantastic..Everyone sing along
Steve is fantastic..Everyone sing the song!
Steve is fantastic..Everyone give him glory!
Steve is fantastic..Everyone tell the story!

Ok so I haven't slept (in over 24 hours) and I thought it was great....

I have to eat lunch and get to my next class.. So yea

Steve you ROCK!

I appreciate you helping me this morning!

Thank you so very very very VERY much!

My sincerest gratitude to you my friend!


Blogger SM said...

... You need sleep.

5:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in what province do u study?

6:49 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

New Brunswick

7:35 p.m.  

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