Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, October 17, 2005

If life were simple I wouldn't enjoy it so much...

Metallica, Pantera, Velvet Revolver and Slipknot are my companions du jour. Working on my environmental studies project.. I did not step foot out of the house this weekend to stay in and work on this and my technical analysis for my Prose class.... I still managed to find ways to procrastinate...

My dear friend Steve got engaged!!! I am over the moon happy for him and his lovely FIANCE Wendy, the stars have aligned in his favour. He also recently won tickets to the Grey Cup in Vancouver.

It's 1 am and my project is coming along nicely... I still feel slightly panicky but that only makes it more fun....

it's 3:30 am and my project is actually making me ill, the more statics I read about pollution and chemical waste, about deforestation and are poisoned water supplies.. about profit over human welfare.... I want to throw UP! It disgusts me!

It's 6:24 am, I am off to the shower, I have began to hallucinate.. I really am getting old! I used stay awake for a few days without any trouble at all and I made sure I got a lot of sleep this weekend.... *YAWN*

I think I may actually consume a cup of coffee today...

not going to do this again any time soon.. Now I just have to finish up the 1500 word essay.. stupid margaret atwood... She isn't the only author in history you know.. anyone who has taken any sort of English course in Canada has read some sort of story by this women.. she is NOT that great... blech

Ok off to shower!


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