Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Saturday, October 08, 2005


I spent a torturous amount of time yesterday waiting while my Environmental Studies professor handed back our Assignments. It was worth 20% of my final mark, I was nervous, I was panicked and I was silly.

I got an A!

I am thrilled to bits... I want to explode.

I went to a rock show last night.... May I just say I had such an amazing time...

do you believe things happen for a reason... That there is a time and place for everything and things always work out well in the end?

strangest thing happened to me....

it has to do with a boy from my past and I was going to tell the tale... but I think I'll hold off on this one..

I am crying a little right now, reflecting on my 24 years... I really honestly truly, have the most unbelievably amazing life... I love each and every one of you who are a part of it...

(sorry it's that time of the month)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truly believe everything happens for a reason.....that is how I met my husband. Today is our 1 Year Wedding Anniversary.

Good luck with whatever it is.

4:06 p.m.  

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