Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Listing's to my roommate sing "My Girl" (Nirvana) at the top of her lungs.. Is hilarious...


Tenet for large Bachelor apartment located in basement of private home.

$400 a per month


1. Heat
2. Power
3. Phone- 24hr unlimited long distance to Canada and US
4. Aliant High speed
5. Cable
6. Private Entrance
7. Free Parking
8. The Pleasure of being under the same "roof" as me... It's in our basement...

Email me capergrl@gmail.com if interested... or leave comment.. or if you have questions.

This is in MONCTON.

I am not posting my exact address on the blog... so message me.

Studying for Pysch midterm, and reading Robinson Crusoe (the first "novel" ever written).

I got off the phone with my parents today, and I started to cry, they are so encouraging and supportive!!!!!! God I miss them.. I want my moms chocolate cake and lasanga for my birthday... and I really miss my dad's breakfasts, he is the breakfast master! When I told my father "the big fire had gone out" (he always says that when I like someone) he made a silly joke and made me feel better.. It is so cool to have parents I can talk to... Ok enough or I'll start crying again

I had Nat sitting beside me when I wrote that post last night, she spelled checked as I typed, and it kept me from writing anything stupid... Well anything TOO stupid. Truth is.. I thought I would feel crummier than I do..

Party at my place tonight!


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