Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, September 23, 2005

The Cat came Back

After all that lamenting.. It only took 4 days and three nights, a run in with an ex, and a excessive amount of alcohol, but I am back dating "my man" (hehehehe).

Now for those familiar with this ol blog, know that I normally refer to my interests as "boys", but I realized on Sunday evening between the hours of 9pm-11pm Atlantic, Jamie Lynn became an


*spoken in a rather ominous tone*.

I have tossed aside the silly, girly terminology, and am embracing this whole "relationship" rollercoaster, which has me scared and excited all at the same time. Maybe the rest of you (Steve, Megs) were onto something beforehand, I just had to meet the right guy to change my mind, or I am delusional, either way it should be an interesting adventure.

I also don't want this to be a "normal" dating thing for me, without going into great detail (cause it's my "personal" personal life) he is really rather enjoyable, and he likes me... I like liking someone who likes me back... *giggles*

I love my new computer, it is indeed a Mac, hadn't laid fingers on a Mac in approx 10 years, and I had no help, I picked it up, took it home, plugged it in, and am figuring it out as I go along. It really must be an idiot proof computer lol.

I am heading down to my grandmother's this afternoon with my friend, Heather (she is being fitted for her maid of honour dress, my grandma is making), and I cannot wait. I love my Grammy. Going "home" will kick butt too.

I thought for certain this time I had really fucked everything up, and as always, things worked out well in the end... I seriously don't' know why I have so much luck.

OOOOOOO!! My dear friend, Rae-Lynne, from Saskatchewan (now resides in Brandon) is preggers (pregnant), and I am thrilled to bits for her.

Jamie Lynn is a nice name.


Blogger Megs said...

Once again, very proud of and happy for you. Love you.

10:42 a.m.  

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