Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, September 19, 2005


"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

-Dr. Seuss

I stopped dating dude... Because I like him...

Alright before you freak out at me... I know how it sounds...

He was on the rebound, and brace yourselves...

I was ready... To attach myself to someone... This guy was pretty cool........

(Jamie censored herself)

I ended it so he could date other people, and so I wouldn't have the looming question.. "Does he want to be with me, or is he just hanging around till someone better comes along"... Or worse, am I keeping him from meeting the "someone better"...

Now before you get completely the wrong impression, I am not stating I think this guy is the be all and end all, but I can communicate with him with, unlike anyone previous, he gets my intentions immediately... I feel incredibly (almost disarmingly) comfortable with him... The really big thing...

I want to hang out with him all the time, I want to share things with him, do things, see things, I want to get his views on stuff....

I don't want to bolt....

so I bolted...

My friend Jeff made an excellent point late last night. We are both still "shiny" (only known each other a little while, haven't had time to really find "flaws"), perhaps in a week, a month, a year, when he is not still on the rebound, something could evolve... If it does evolve, I want it to be a positive thing...

It's interesting how in an hour and a half I could go from feeling like I want this guy to be my boyfriend, to telling him I can no longer date him... For me to admit... That I wanted a "boyfriend"

dude that's crazy...

My roommate says I'm weird, any "normal" girl would just hold on tight and smother the dude till he "caved" and perhaps, this guy will find a chick who wants to do that, but I would never feel "comfortable" in that sort of situation...

I over analyze things... He over analyzes things...

I really like this dude... Enough to admit it on my mega boring and super cheesy blog... I made myself vulnerable, I was so scared, and was having so much fun, yet...

From the past few years, had the opportunity to "date" and I know the importance of it...

I want to say I "hope" I did the right thing, and that he comes back... If there is one thing I am certain of... I can't be uncertain about this guy...

I applied logic to "romance"...

yet another glimpse into the madness that is Jamie's mind...


Blogger Megs said...

I am so very proud of you. In a twisted and "Jamie" way. =) I love you oodles and zoodles.

2:35 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call me, and we'll make a lunch date when you're in Sackville!

5:31 p.m.  
Blogger SM said...

That's quite sad... and yet, quite "you".

6:35 a.m.  

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