Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, September 30, 2005

will it ever end

Spam in comments on blogs....

stupid stupid stupid...

Getting up too early makes Jamie an emotional wreck, student loan being delayed two more weeks at the latest, my savings are completely depleted.... My credit could soon be in shambles.. My parents are in process of buying a new home, they cant afford to lend me money...

became sobbing mess in Dean of Students office... obtaining loan from Mount Allison university against my student loan until November first.. then buy books I need for my classes...

had nap, talked to Nat, hanging out with her tonight for her birthday, spirits are lifted...

my roommate cleaned the house last night and it's beautiful...

I finally sent off the email I was putting off for a month... Trying not to get to anxious waiting for a reply.

my amazingly wonderful cousin Shannon (a fourth year English major) proof read my essay, put it in eh proper MLA format, and helped me not be so nervous about submitted it today.

I am waiting for my Environment Studies assignment to be returned and this essay.. I guess I am scared that I will fail both and everyone will find out I really am an idiot who has been faking this whole intelligence thing this entire time... What if my boys are right when they "jokingly" call me a dumbass...

I said I would prove them wrong... Here's hoping..

my goal tonight is to forget all my stress and enjoy my friends birthday.. I love birthdays..

thanks to everyone who has been supportive, and a huge thanks to my parents... I remind myself everyday how lucky I am to have you both.. Even if you are far too far away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and keep em coming.

Also, that Shannon character sounds like an excellent cousin! ;)

6:45 p.m.  

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