Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Things to do:

Between today and Thursday I want to do a few things around the house, get ahead on some school work and tidy up before I go away for the weekend.

I am going to stay at my Grandmothers for Thanksgiving!

Here is what I would like to accomplish before I go:

1. Laundry
2. Mow lawn.
3. Read Robinson Crusoe.
4. Read Ch. 6 & 4 of Studying the Novel.
5. Rent out Bachelor apartment in basement.
6. Read Humphrey Clinker.
7. Read Ch. 14 or Western History book.
8. Mop Kitchen floor.
9. Do dishes.
10. Cook dinner.
11. Pick up Dylan from Daycare.
12. Get Student Loan "cheque" cashed.
13. Make cookies.
14. Sort through milk crates.
15. Sort through suitcases.
16. Begin Technical analysis of Bluebeard's Egg.
17. Begin Environmental Studies Project.
18. Read A Rose for Emily and The Sick Rose.
19. Sort through LARGE blue bin.
21. Hook up Highspeed.
22. Go through clothes and give away ones that no longer fit!
23. Update "other" blog.
24. Review for English Literature Midterm.
25. Celebrate my BIRTHDAY!

did I tell you I came home Sunday night after spending the day at the University studying for my midterm, to a clean room?

My roommate, Sarah, cleaned my entire room for me while I was away... I now have a dresser, matching bed set, and clothes hanging in the closet... I feel so loved..

She knows that I have been moving every six months for the last 6 years.. she wanted me to feel settled in and at "home"... Settled down... Now that is SCARY!

No more procrastinating, time to start the "list"!


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