Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

You wouldn't believe me if I told you..

But here goes nothing...

Friday night, went to the rock show with my roommate and her friend from work... Who I managed to piss off twice in one night... I feel bad about it... Cause now she doesn't want to come over.. That's really not fair.. I just asked her if she was racist.. Told her it was good she wasn't cause I hate racists.. I asked her why she gets drunk if it makes her sick... When she said because she likes to get drunk.. I said it had to be more than that cause that didn't' make sense, but I didn't drop it there.,.. totally was doing Freud thing... Yea I'm an Asshole... It wasn't intentional... I have to think before I decide to psychoanalyse my roommates friends.. Some of her friends can handle my bluntness others can't and I should wait till I have met them more than once before I am so straightforward...

My roommate today gave me the "you're self centered" lecture.. I am used to this lecture, Laura and my family give it to me on a regular basis... I think she is beginning to understand the joy that comes with Jamie I "know" the world does NOT revolve around me.. But sometimes I can't help it.. I REALLY can't.. I try.. I do!


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