Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

mumbling to myself

I can't sleep.. I am tired and I want to sleep.. but I am worried.. I heard 30% of the class failed their psych midterm.. What if I failed mine.. I was sick that morning.. I barely remember writing the exam.. I have an English midterm on Friday, and an environmental studies assignment due on Monday, my Prose paper is due on Wednesday...

I hurt my back tonight moving a couch upstairs.. We didn't get it all the way up.. It got stuck and I got stuck at the top of the stairs in the process... Which totally sucks.. I got all m stuff moved into the basement, except my computer because the dirty assed fuckheads who lived down their previously cut the phone lines.. broke the doorbell leaving a huge mess with holes in the walls.. We had to repaint and scrub everything.. It still needs more scrubbing but I was tired and wanted to start working n my homework... I think if I start my environmental project on Thursday and then study for English.,., then I will finish my project this weekend, and start my prose essay.. It would be nice to finish it..

This is my postcard to you my dear sweet friends.. a regular update into the zaniness of my life...

my roommate said I have to "settle" in my new place... That I stop moving around so much.. I am scared to stop moving.. The last 6 years have been fun.. but it's also been "safe".. If things start to suck or I don't want to deal with something or someone (mainly myself) I just move... It's been my coping mechanism and I have the "shiny" factor going for me constantly.. Only a few people get to really know me.. for some reason they still stick around... I think if I don't stay still.. People never really get to "know me"
there is a great deal of safety in that... OK so now I am psychoanalyzing myself.. I think it's bedtime.

my life is seriously like a scale that needs to balance.. For every moment of fabulousness.. There is that moment that completely balances it out... For every shitty ass day there is a fantastic one.. Every bit of good news is weighed out with a piece of bad.. Its great.. but it sucks waiting for the other shoe to drop...

and then there is this new man.. Who really scares the piss out of me.. but more on that at a later date... Cause this is either going to be kick ass amazing or Jamie is going to be severely disappointed...


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