Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Steak! I've Missed you!

I feel very refreshed.. I just slept for 11 hours...

Now I just have to write 1500 words on Margaret Atwood's short story "Bluebeard's Egg".. a critical analysis, describing all the key technical devices.... It's worth 30% of my final mark.. I am a little scared.

I handed in my Environmental Studies essay yesterday after staying up all night writing it. While writing the assignment I sent my professor a brief email at 1:44 am ranting about how humans are evil and the assignment disgusts me. It was a rather "cranky" email where I ranted about all the negativity in the assigned chapter... He wrote back with a polite reply and suggested I read a David Suzuki book.. He's a really awesome Prof....

My student loan came through *Happy Dance* My roommates and I gleefully went to the grocery store.. I stocked up on loads of healthy things... I spent 5$ on raspberries but boy-oh-boy they were worth it. I also bought some new panties...

My next HUGE purchase is a blender, so I can start making my crazy *Greens* shakes!

I am having sushi for dinner.. California Roll....Mm mmm mm. Chop Sticks are fun.


Blogger Unknown said...

I bought the panties at La Senza!


Tonight is Steak! MMMM! Steak!

2:57 p.m.  

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