Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Guess WHAT?

I have Black Hair now... Au natural baby (well practically)
I am going to PEI for the night!
I know someone who is going through some of the same shit as me... it's great having someone who "understands"

I am writing a 1200 word essay tomorrow... That isn't due for 3 weeks.. Oh yea baby this chick is going to be on top of her game!

I miss my parents. (I love you guys)
I bought a digital camera (wanna see pics of my hair lol)
I purchased a blender (thanks MA and PA!)
I am super excited for next Saturday and the rock show!
I acquired some new albums yesterday.
I have the best friends in the entire world! ( I love you all so much!)
I am so self absorbed I just started all those sentences with *I*

I can deal with that cause this blog has my name at the top!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have new hair :D:D
I also love starting my sentences with "I".

It's obvious, we're both friggin awesome :D

Have a most excellent adventure in PEI!!!!


6:04 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Camera, WHAT! I take it that's the belated birthday present! You must take pictures and show me the new hair. Joel has new hair, compliments of me, now THAT is something you should see. HA!

10:26 p.m.  

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